Histology Core Facility
Introduction to the Histology Core Facility
Located in Weber Hall 1140, the Histology Core Facility contains:
- Leica CM1950 Cryostat
- Leica RM2235 Rotary Microtome
- Shandon Excelsior ES – Tissue Processor
- Tissue Tek Embedding Console
- Innova 4000 Incubator Shaker
Those interested in using equipment in the Histology Core Facility must complete the General SOM Training Modules before access will be granted. Scheduling of equipment in the Histology Core Facility is done through the Faces Scheduling System.
Training Requirements
All potential users are required to complete the General SOM Training Modules.
Upon completion of the all training modules, please send a copy of the transcript to the technician. After the technician has reviewed your transcript, a hands-on training session or validation will be scheduled with the technician.
Notification of access to the facility will be sent to both the PI and the user.
Instrument and Charge Information
Histology Core
- Location: Webber Hall
- Costs:
Tissue Processor - $50 per run (User to supply cassettes for processor)
Tissue Tek Embedding Station - $20 per hour
Cryostat - Leica - $15 per hour (User to supply appropriate blades)
Microtome - $15 per hour - How to schedule: Via Faces Scheduling System. Contact mary.hamer@medsch.ucr.edu to schedule training for and access to the Histology Core Facility.
Assisted support available for some instruments at additional cost.
Scheduling of equipment in the Histology Core Facility is done through the Faces Scheduling System. Contact mary.hamer@medsch.ucr.edu to schedule training for and access to the Histology Core Facility.
Facility Usage Agreement Form
This Facilities/Equipment Usage Agreement Form must be downloaded, filled out, and submitted by the PI to Research Operations prior to utilizing the facility.