
Research Development

About the Research Development Unit


Dr. Meera Nair


Dr. Meera Nair, Professor and Associate Dean for Biomedical Research, provides strategic leadership to support, enhance, and expand biomedical research at the School of Medicine and oversees the operations of research facilities, infrastructure, processes, and systems to support efficient and high-quality biomedical research. She has developed expertise in utilizing cutting-edge research technologies to tackle biomedical questions, and experience in advising on instrument acquisition, in obtaining research resources and instrumentation grants, and in training students and researchers on the use of various technologies.




Dr. Michelle Porche


Dr. Michelle Porche, Professor, Internal Medicine, and Director of Clinical Faculty Research Development and Scholarly Activities, has extensive experience in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods design, leading federal, foundation, and state funded health services and disparities research studies. She brings this expertise to the consulting and mentoring provided to SOM clinical faculty to support study design and development of their research, scholarly activities, and dissemination.

The Research Development Unit provides assistance to School of Medicine researchers who are developing research programs, including clinical research programs. To advance SOM goals of increasing research capacity, we can help with the following:

  • Consultation and mentoring on refining research questions and selecting appropriate methods for quantitative and qualitative research 
  • Support for development of grant proposals, including review in preparation of first submission or resubmissions 
  • Provide guidance on approaches to data management, statistical and qualitative analysis, and the presentation of research methods and findings in grant proposals and manuscripts (with referral to biostatistician as needed) 
  • Consultation on data visualization for conference presentations, manuscripts, and grant proposals (with referral to research writer as needed) 
  • Review of research design and reporting regarding equitable inclusion of marginalized populations 
  • Consider various types of scholarly activities including writing academic commentaries or creating video blogs that highlight your clinical expertise 
  • Writing, editing, and illustration assistance, and navigation through human subjects protocol development and review. 
  • Medical biostatistics consulting for research study design, database development, and data analysis. 
  • Assistance with clinical study coordination

Research Development Staff