
Cell Sorter and Flow Cytometry Core Facility

MoFlo Astrios EQ Cell Sorter

The MoFlo Astrios EQ Cell Sorter offers state-of-the-art capabilities in flow cytometry applications and isolation of specific cell populations. The sorter is equipped with the following lasers:

MoFlo Cell Sorter
  • 488 nm blue laser with 5-PMT detectors + Forward Scatter & Side Scatter
  • 405 nm violet laser with 2-PMT detectors
  • 561 nm yellow laser with 3-PMT detectors
  • 640 nm red laser with 3-PMT detectors

Download the Cell Sorter Project Form:  


Training is not available for the cell sorter.

Key Features

Scheduling and Training


All Principal Investigators (PI) must complete the User Agreement Form before using any Research Core equipment.

Pricing Schedule

For current rates:

.  Contact Mary Hamer with any questions on specific equipment.

Assisted support is available for some instruments at an additional cost.


To schedule on equipment, contact Mary Hamer at 

Safety training is required for all instruments and will be addressed after the project form has been submitted and accepted.


All potential users are required to complete the General SOM Training Modules.

Upon completion of all training modules, please send a copy of the transcript to After transcript review, you will be contacted to schedule a hands-on training session or validation.

Notification of access to the facility will be sent to both the PI and the user.